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Gotlandic Picture Stones - The Online Edition

GP 112 Gothem Bentebingels 2


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Parish Find Location ⓘ

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The farm halfway between Västerbjärs and Medebys, at the road Gothem–Vallstena, which belongs to Bentebingels, Gothem parish (RAÄ Gothem 218:1).

Find Context Classification ⓘ
Private Property

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Present Location Classification ⓘ
Gotlands Museum Magasin Visborg


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Lindqvist Type 

Lindqvist Shape 

Iconographic Keywords

Runic Inscription or not ⓘ

Context and Discovery ⓘ
The stone was discovered in 1941 while gardening on the farm belonging to Bentebingels that lies about halfway between Västerbjärs and Medebys, on the road from Gothem to Vallstena. The find spot is situated close to the place where GP 106 Gothem Bentebingels (I) was found about 30 years before. The stone was lying barely below the ground surface. It was reported to Gotlands Museum immediately and transferred to Visby by M. Stenberger (ATA dnr 2738/41). The picture stone is unpublished, and a photo taken right after the discovery in 1941 is kept in ATA (Run- och bildstenssamling).
GP 106 Gothem Bentebingels (I)

Measurements, Material and Condition ⓘ
The small picture stone is almost completely preserved. The convex uppermost part of the monument is broken off but preserved, except for its right edge. The limestone slab is 85 cm high, its maximum width at the head is 40.5 cm, 32 cm in middle, and 38.5 cm just above the massive pedestal-like root. The slab is between 7.5 and 9 cm thick. The decorated surface had been smoothed, while the reverse is rough and unworked. The stone is a bit weathered; however, the carved lines are still discernible.

Description of Ornament and Images ⓘ
Two horizontal borders consisting of rows of parallel lines are discernable, one at the bottom, just above the root, and the second one just beneath the neck. Thus, the horizontal lines divide the image field into a head part and a lower part. In the upper field, a simple ship image is largely preserved, featuring a canoe-like hull and towering stems, which are sharply bending inwards. The lower field appears to depict a St. Andrew’s cross. The arms of the cross are consisting of rows of about 5 parallel lines, similar to the horizontal borders.

Interpretation of the Imagery ⓘ
Diagonal cross decoration, which is reminiscent of Christian symbolism, is also depicted on GP 24 Ardre Petsarve II and GP 274 Norrlanda Bringes. It has been regarded influenced by Continental Christian iconography. See GP 274 Norrlanda Bringes for more detailed information and interpretation. Christian influence on Type B picture stones is also discussed in the cases of deer depictions (for more details see GP 551 Väskinde Butter) and the aquatic bird motif (for more details see GP 276 När Rikvide I).
GP 24 Ardre Petsarve II
GP 274 Norrlanda Bringes
GP 551 Väskinde Butter
GP 276 När Rikvide (I)

Type and Dating ⓘ
Middle type picture stone, i.e., Type B according to Lindqvist, dating to between AD 500 and 700. The stone belongs to those Type B stones described by Lindqvist (1941/42 I, pp. 38–39) as ʻdwarf stonesʼ with convex head and corners protruding horizontally. The best parallel regarding the shape is GP 335 Rute Ala. The diagonal cross decoration is comparable to GP 24 Ardre Petsarve II and GP 274 Norrlanda Bringes (see VII). The decoration consisting of parallel lines is unusual and without comparison.
GP 335 Rute Ala
GP 24 Ardre Petsarve II
GP 274 Norrlanda Bringes

References ⓘ
No references

Bildstenen påträffades 1941 vid trädgårdsarbete på gården Bentebingels. På samma plats påträffades 1911 en annan bildsten GP 106 Gothem Bentebingels I.

Nuvarande lokalisering
Gotlands Museum, magasinet på Visborgsslätt.

Nästan helt bevarad liten bildsten (period B), 85 cm hög och som bredast 40,5 cm. Bildstenen omfattar två bildfäst, det övre med skepp och det nedre med ett Andreaskors

Kan inte dateras med säkerhet, tillhör perioden 500-600-talen.

Andreaskorset kan vara en influens från en kristen kontinental ikonografi.

GP 106 Gothem Bentebingels (I)

GP 112 Gothem Bentebingels 2

Fornsök ID ⓘ

Gothem 218:1

Gotlands Museum ID ⓘ

Last modifed Nov 29, 2024


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Identifier: GP0112-3D
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