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Gotlandic Picture Stones - The Online Edition



The individual fields within the entries in this online resource are varying. Some fields contain long texts, others just single words or numbers.

In the following list, the field labels and the dropdown menu options are listed in alphabetical order, together with their definitions.

Context and discovery
Detailed information about the picture stone’s discovery and the find context.

Coordinate find location (lat)
The find spot’s latitudinal coordinate.

Coordinate find location (long)
The find spot’s longitudinal coordinate.

Coordinate present location (lat)
The latitudinal coordinate of the stone’s present location.

Coordinate present location (long)
The longitudinal coordinate of the stone’s present location.

Description of ornament and images
Detailed description of the stone’s ornament and imagery.

Find Context Classification
Short keyword categorisation of the find context of the picture stone.


Inside the church or incorporated in the church building


In the churchyard including the wall and gates


In a grave or as part of a grave construction


In a grave-field


In the landscape

Private Property

Land belonging to a farm, Swed. "gård"


area of the buildings of a farm

Agricultural Field

Arable farmland/cultivated land


Stone used as a bridge

Medieval construction

Any type of medieval construction

In situ

Stone today still at its original prehistoric location





Find Location
Short description of the find location.

Fornsök ID
The stone’s ID in Riksantikvarieämbetet‘s search engine Fornsök.

Geological Group
The origin of the picture stone’s raw material by dating it to a geological unit with probabilities in per cent.

Gotlands Museum ID
The stone’s ID in Gotlands Museum Visby.

The stone’s height in cm.

Iconographic keywords
Keywords as listed in Andvari Iconographic Thesaurus.

Interpretation of the Imagery
Detailed account of interpretations of the stone’s imagery.

Jan Peder Lamm ID
The stone’s number in the catalogue part of the book E. Nylén/J. P. Lamm, Bildstenar (2003), pp. 177-206, Förteckning över Gotlands bildstenar.  

Last inspected
Date of the most recent inspection of the stone.

Limestone Type
Geological description of the raw material type, especially the limestone type.

Lindqvist Shape
Sub-types defined by Sune Lindqvist based on size and shape of the slabs.

Tall stone

Stone slab, more than ca. 100 cm tall

Dwarf stone

Stone slab, less than ca. 100 cm tall


Oblong and narrow stone, mostly with slightly convex edge, which Lindqvist regarded as kerbs surrounding a grave mound

Cist stone

Small gable-like slab with wave-shaped upper edge, which Lindqvist regarded as parts of burial or sacrificial cists


Unclear, too fragmented for specification


Lindqvist Title
The title or name under which the stone is described in Lindqvist’s Gotlands Bildsteine.

Lindqvist Type
Sune Lindqvist’s 'Abschnitt'/type (A–E) as in Gotlands Bildsteine.

The raw material of the picture stone.

Measurements, material and condition
Detailed description of the stone’s measurements, its geological material, and its condition.

Other ID
Any other ID of the stone.

Parish Find Location
The parish (“socken”) in which the stone was discovered.

Parish present location
The parish (“socken”) in which the stone is kept.

Present location
The present location of the stone.

Present Location Classification
Short keyword categorisation of the present location of the picture stone.


Inside the church or incorporated in the church building


In the churchyard including the wall and gates


In a grave or as part of a grave construction


In a grave-field


In the landscape

Private Property

Land belonging to a farm, Swed. "gård"


area of the buildings of a farm

Agricultural Field

Arable farmland/cultivated land


Stone used as a bridge

Medieval construction

Any type of medieval construction

In situ

Stone today still at its original prehistoric location


Stone is still at its find location





Gotlands Museum Exhibition

Gotlands Museum, Fornsalen Visby

Gotlands Museum Storage

Gotlands Museum, Magasin Visborg

SHM Storage

Swedish History Museum, Find Storage Tumba

SHM Exhibition

Swedish History Museum, Exhibitions


Bunge Open Air Museum


Preservation of image surface
Categorisation of the degree of preservation of the imagery.

Perfectly preserved

Most or all images not weathered at all, in perfect condition


Most or all images are well-preserved, light weathering/use

Essentially preserved

Most or all images are affected by weathering/use, imagery essentially discernible

Badly preserved

Most or all images are heavily affected by weathering/use, imagery hardly discernible


Images are (almost) completely lost




Preservation of the stone
The stone’s degree of fragmentation.


Picture stone shape completely preserved, in one piece

Complete (fragmented)

Picture stone shape completely preserved, but in two or more fragments


Picture stone whole but small damages

Fragment (over 50%)

Larger fragment, probably more than 50% of the original stone preserved

Fragment (under 50%)

Fragment of a picture stone, probably less than 50% of the original stone preserved


The stone’s ID in Riksantikvarieämbetet’s old database FMIS. Also searchable in Riksantikvarieämbetet’s search engine Fornsök.

Literature that deals with this stone, short titles. For the full titles, see Bibliography.

Runic Context and Comments
Comments on the content and context of the runic inscription.

Runic Inscription
The runic inscription, transliterated, transcribed in Old West Norse and Runic Swedish, and translated to modern Swedish and English.

Runic Inscription or not
Information if the stone has a runic inscription (yes/no).

Runological Commentary
Further observations on the reading and interpretation of the runic inscription.

Runverket ID
The stone’s ID number in Runverket.

Secondary Inscription
Any medieval and modern inscriptions.

Secondary Inscription or not
Information if the stone has a secondary inscription (yes/no).

Statens Historiska Museer ID
The stone’s ID number in Statens Historiska Museer.

Swedish Summary
A Swedish summary of the detailed English texts.

The stone’s thickness in cm.

Type and dating
Detailed information about the picture stone’s type and chronological position.

The stone’s width in cm.

Year of Discovery
The year or timespan in which the stone was discovered. In case it is reported that a stone was discovered „before [year]“, the start date is set to 1700.