GP 124 Grötlingbo Roes III
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Parish Find Location ⓘGrötlingbo
Find Location ⓘIncorporated into a stone enclosure on the property of the farm ʻRoes gårdʼ in Grötlingbo parish.
Find Context Classification ⓘPrivate PropertyGrave-field
Coordinate Find Location (lat) ⓘ6335158
Coordinate Find Location (long) ⓘ701859
Parish Present Location ⓘGrötlingbo
Present Location ⓘKattlunds open-air museum in Grötlingbo parish.
Present Location Classification ⓘOther
Coordinate Present Location (lat) ⓘ6334953
Coordinate Present Location (long) ⓘ702168
Height ⓘ83,5
Width ⓘ50
Thickness ⓘ8,5
Lindqvist Type C/D (ca. 700-1000)E (ca. 1000-1150)
Lindqvist Shape Dwarf stone
Runic Inscription or not ⓘNo
Context and Discovery ⓘThe stone was found by the farmer O.V. Ohlson, incorporated into a stone enclosure, where he also discovered the picture stone fragments GP 125 Grötlingbo Roes IV and GP 126 Grötlingbo Roes V. The modern stone enclosure (tun) was located next to a stone mound (röse) on the property of the ʻRoes gårdʼ, south-west of the farmstead. The find spot is situated in the most northerly part of the large Late Iron Age necropolis of Barshalder (Rundkvist 2003). Ohlsen reported the finds to Gotlands Museum in 1934 (ATA 3321/34). After that, he moved them to his garden in Roes, where he kept them for several years. In 1940, the three stones were moved to the nearby medieval farmstead and open-air museum in Kattlunds, which is affiliated with Gotlands Museum (ATA 2993/40). GP 125 Grötlingbo Roes IVGP 126 Grötlingbo Roes V
Measurements, Material and Condition ⓘThe limestone slab probably represents a formerly mushroom-shaped picture stone, including the root, the body, and the lower right edge and corner of the head. Most of the head, however, is broken off. The slab is 8.5 cm thick. Its total height is 83.5 cm, the width of the neck 44.4 cm, and the width of the base 50 cm (Lindqvist 1941/42 II, p. 53). The stone is much weathered and eroded, its obverse partially flaked off.
Description of Ornament and Images ⓘOnly a row of 2 to 4 slightly raised triangles appears to be preserved, part of a horizontal border. Lindqvist reproduces a picture of the painted stone taken by M. Stenberger in 1940 (1941/42 II, fig. 363, cf. ATA Run- och bildstenssamling 2440:38–39).
Interpretation of the Imagery ⓘNo interpretation
Type and Dating ⓘProbably mushroom-shaped late-type dwarf stone, Lindqvist’s “Abschnitt” C/D or E. As almost no decoration is preserved on the monument, it can only be roughly dated to between the 8th century and around AD 1100. Lindqvist himself (1941/42 I, p. 44) assigns it to “Abschnitt” C (probably due to the triangle pattern), which he dates to around AD 700. According to recent research, however, those monuments must be dated to between the 8th and the 10th century. Guber (2011, pp. 33, 121) regards the stone as a Type B monument, dating to AD 500 to 700, which is not quite convincing.
References ⓘLindqvist 1941/42 II, p. 52, fig. 363; Rundkvist 2003 1, pp. 37, 217; 2, p. 70; Guber 2011, p. 121 cat. no. 23.
Bildstenen påträffades tillsammans med GP 125 Grötlingbo Roes IV och GP 126 Grötlingbo Roes V i en stengärdsgård vid ett röse på den nordligaste delen av gravfältet Barshaldershed, tillhörande gården Roes. Fyndet rapporterades till Gotlands museum 1934, och fördes 1940 till Kattlunds museigård, tillhörande Gotlands museum.
Nuvarande lokalisering
Kattlunds museigård, Grötlingbo, tillhörande Gotlands museum
Större delen av en liten svampformig bildsten (period CD eller E), bevarad höjd 83,5 cm, största bredd 50 cm. Stenen är mycket väderbiten och bara små spår av kantdekor är bevarad.
Kan inte dateras med säkerhet, tillhör perioden 700-1000-talen.
Ingen tolkning.
AA GP 125 Grötlingbo Roes IVGP 126 Grötlingbo Roes V
TitleGP 124 Grötlingbo Roes III
Jan Peder Lamm ID86
Lindqvist Title ⓘGrötlingbo, Roes III
Last modifed Jun 25, 2024 Developer Data Identifier: GP0124-3DID: 46563D-modelPart1 Depth nullPart1 RGB null